The ideal soils for growing the Paulownia tree are those with a sandy foundation, including argillite and volcanic soil. The tree can also grow in other soil types, but need some adaptation. Hard or rocky soils should be avoided.
Soil quality can be checked using a simple survey, which can be manual or mechanical. If necessary, sub-soiling (preferably using machinery) can be performed along each row of trees planted.
For soil with a value greater than 20% of clay, it is necessary to add a large amount of organic substances so that the water will be quickly filtered.
The ideal soil pH ranges from 5 to 8.
Paulownia does not thrive well in wet soil. The water table must always have a minimum depth of 2-2.5 meters, with optimal drainage. Supports water with a high content of organic substances, but not salt water.
Watering should be performed daily for the first two months of growth and the at least once a week thereafter.
Planting is variable, and depends on several factors including; the production system being designed, the regional climate, soil characteristics, etc..
In the first growing season, it is desirable to prune to remove the side shoots (branches, never leaves) every three or four weeks, at a distance of one meter or less from the top of the crown.
The pruning technique is simple, but the objective is to get quality wood (no knots). Lateral shoots can be easily removed when they are still soft and must be done before the timber unfolds, to avoid marks on the bark or knots in the wood.